Wednesday, March 12, 2008

We are Up and Running

Welcome to our new blog! Because we felt there was a need for more words to be written in the world wide web. Actually, we want to invite you to be a part of our journey as we walk through this adoption process and add a new baby to our Macchi clan.
Explanation of our title- It is a major leap of faith to step out there and find the child that is destined for you. And this is just the beginning. So it takes faith, baby, to adopt. Then, once she is in our arms we can and will call her our faith baby.
Let me bring you up to speed. We have signed with the lovely Tracie Loux. She will be our adoption consultant through the whole process. We have also met with Julie our social worker who will be doing our home study for us. The home study is the main deal-io when it comes to adopting. Once we complete the home study, then we will be ready to be matched with a birth mom. (Which feels like a million years from now but it should only take a couple of months.)
Seth and I will be posting separately on this blog because we know we will be experiencing this process differently.
So, blessings to you, our friends. May our journey encourage you in your own!



Tracie said...


Tara said...

I am so excited for you guys! YEAH! What an exciting journey. Sarah, we need to have a "park lunch date" as soon as the weather stays warm! With Love, Tara

Seth and Sarah said...

I'd LOVE to...we also would like to have you guys over some evening...what are good times for you?

Unknown said...

I am so excited to read about your new adventure!! Congratulations!! Can't wait to meet Baby Macchi the third. :-)